East Kilbride News

Get on with job, Mr Ross


Dear Editor, It’s very unfortunat­e to see our new leader of the council making headlines for all the wrong reasons so soon after being elected to the role (Council leader is blasted for tweet, July 12).

I do not use Twitter or Facebook and situations such as the one Mr Ross finds himself in make me wary of ever setting up social media accounts.

It’s said that you need a thick skin to be involved in politics and that is true but I’d prefer it if our council leader was not suggesting an MSP should go away and boil her head, regardless of whether she is talking mince or not.

My message to Mr Ross is to stick to the day job.

There are plenty things to be getting on with in South Lanarkshir­e rather than getting caught up in the likes of this. name and address supplied


Dear Editor,

In light of the criticism which South Lanarkshir­e Council leader John Ross has received both in the papers and online, was his tweet really that bad?

I’m sure he wasn’t literally telling Jackie Baillie MSP to go and do what he was suggesting and the phrase “awa and bile yer heid” is Scots slang used every day by folk who are disagreein­g with someone else.

A storm in a teacup in my opinion. D McKenzie via email


Dear Editor,

I would really appreciate it if you could mention that our new charity of the year is East Kilbride and District Dementia Carers group.

On Sunday, July 30, we are holding our car boot sale at the bottom of the car park. It is £5 per pitch. All pitch fees go to EK Dementia Carers.

If anyone is interested then please pop in store to book your pitch at the customer service desk. Claire Lindsay, Sainsbury’s Kingsgate


Dear Editor,

I was in a football team based in East Kilbride.

I remember we had our player of the year dance at the Whitehills Farm. The team was called Strathclyd­e.

I have lived in England for over 30 years and my kids don’t think I had a sporting past.

If there are readers with informatio­n about the team or have a picture I’d love to get a copy. Email me at jamesmclar­en9@sky.com. Jim McLaren, via email

Hall’ s well that ends well

Dear Editor,

It’s good to see that the former Calderwood Library and Alison Lea Community Hall will be reopened (Old library will be run as community hub, July 5).

It’s important for communitie­s to have access to good facilities and it would have been a shame if the area was to permanentl­y lose this one. Commuter via email

Missing EKcharacte­rs

Dear Editor,

Whatever happened to the pigeon lady?

I have not seen her feeding the birds for some time.

name and address supplied

 ??  ?? When the boats come in Stranraer Marina was looking resplenden­t in the summer sunshine as captured by News Editor Colin Paterson. Send your landscapes and scenic images to news@eastkilbri­denews.co.uk for publicatio­n.
When the boats come in Stranraer Marina was looking resplenden­t in the summer sunshine as captured by News Editor Colin Paterson. Send your landscapes and scenic images to news@eastkilbri­denews.co.uk for publicatio­n.

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