
Atomic Blonde hits cinemas in movie form on 11 August, so here are five new comics with a feminist twist. 1. Bitch Planet Vol. 2: President Bitch

by Kelly Sue DeConnick

An irreverent dystopian story where women are sent to Bitch Planet for failing to comply with a patriarcha­l society. 2. My Favourite Thing

is Monsters by Emil Ferris

Set in Sixties Chicago, 10-year-old Karen Reyes investigat­es the murder of her neighbour. Told in the form of a journal and full of B-movie horror references. 3. Thor, Vol. 1: Goddess of

Thunder by Jason Aaron

A new heroine takes up the mantle of Thor. As the Frost Giants invade Earth, she’s the planet’s only hope.

4. Saga Vol. 2

by Brian K. Vaughan

A space epic about parenthood, heralded for its portrayal of diversity. Alana and Marko are a couple from warring planets; in volume two, we follow the story of their daughter, Hazel.

5. Monstress by Marjorie Liu This follows Maika, a teenage girl with a monster living inside her. Set in an alternate matriarcha­l 20th-century Asia, it explores race and war.

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