Empire (UK)



- words Ian Freer


I’ve just shot Welcome Home in this beautiful Italian town, in Umbria right next to tuscany. I was out there for five weeks. that was cool. I’ve also shot out in south africa a few times, Eye In The Sky most recently, and just really loved it, loved the people out there. It was beautiful. not to shit on the place because I loved the people there, but the Canary Islands on Exodus: Gods And Kings. I’m a foodie and where we shot there was no food around so you could only put two pieces of bread together. It was also full of soft dirt that you’d walk through and create dust clouds.


I’ve got to be honest, anytime I put on my meth suit on Breaking Bad, it felt good. Putting on that yellow suit and walking onto the lab set, I loved it. I felt Breaking Bad had such incredible costumes and during the first couple of seasons, putting on Jesse’s attire was so special, it was just over-the-top. I had so much fun. I did this film years ago — I can’t remember the title — that takes place in the late ’70s, so I had to wear platform shoes and the most ridiculous gaudy threads. I had little tiny springs pulling in my hair as well, so it was very uncomforta­ble. I’ve never seen that movie simply because I looked like such an idiot.


I was on set once and there was an older woman who was so nice, so frail. I ended up walking over to her and she told me what a huge fan she was of mine. she took a picture and I hugged her. she asked me to quote some of Jesse pinkman’s lines. Having a 94-year-old woman being an obsessed Breaking Bad fan seemed so funny to me. I’ve had to Facetime some drunk guy’s brother while eating my dinner. we also had three fans crash our wedding. we had a 1920s parisian Carnival theme and these people were in standard wedding attire. they stood out like a sore thumb. one girl nearly caught my wife’s bouquet. we didn’t know it happened until we looked back at our wedding photos.


I used to go into auditions and just muddle through these scenes, apologisin­g to the people I was auditionin­g in front of. so I would have to say Breaking Bad, because even though it wasn’t that great an audition, it changed my life. I auditioned for Cloverfiel­d with J.J. abrams. on Mission: Impossible 3 J.J. had got me to do a magic trick in front of Tom Cruise and the entire crew which failed miserably. He reminded me of this and I completely lost my train of thought... I just gave up, said, “I’m sorry,” and walked out.


I guess it was when I realised it was not a fight anymore. maybe it was when I won my first emmy [in 2010]. It was a real moment in my life. It’s not about the award as such, it was just a fun night. In the end there was something magical about it. I’ve had ups and downs in my career but always paid my bills. I guess when I asked my parents for a loan, that was the low point. COME AND FIND ME Is out on 21 august on DVD, blu-ray and Download.

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