Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Dundee woman goes through ‘terrifying’ing’ surgery experience­nce


A DUNDEE woman has spoken of the terrifying experience of going through major surgery at the age of 25 — after losing all the feeling in her left leg.

Siobhan Diamond, who runs a photograph­y business in the city centre, collapsed in December 2015 and woke up feeling paralysed in her leg.

She was rushed to Ninewells Hospital where doctors thought she could be wheelchair-bound because of massive erosion in her spine.

But, thankfully, an emergency operation worked and Siobhan, from Broughty Ferry, overcame the odds to be back on her feet again.

Nearly 12 months on, Siobhan still faces a battle to keep her mobility but now she wants to urge others not to suffer in silence when in pain, like she initially did.

The snapper, now 26, who set up Siobhan Diamond Photograph­y in early 2013, said: “One day I was sitting in a coffee shop and, when we went to leave, I just couldn’t stand up.

“The pain was unbelievab­le. I basically had to be dragged home.

“I got better but another day my boyfriend went to Glasgow and just 45 minutes later I collapsed in agonising pain. I couldn’t reach my phone or anything.

“I was screaming so much that my neighbours could have thought I was being murdered.

“I had to call my dad and he struggled to get in because I couldn’t stand up to buzz him in.

“For a week-and-a-half I didn’t go

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Siobhan Diamond’s leg was paralysed after collapsing.
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