Garden Answers (UK)

Plan Christmas flowers now


Enjoy home-grown flowers indoors this winter, by planting up some pretty containers with bulbs that you can force into bloom. Look for specially treated hyacinths, hippeastru­m and fragrant paperwhite narcissi. These can be planted into pots of bulb fibre or multipurpo­se compost. Alternativ­ely, try growing hyacinths and paperwhite­s in a glass vase.

1 Fill the bottom with decorative pebbles Place pebbles or glass beads in the bottom one-third of the vase, then add water to just below the top of the pebbles or beads.

2 Pop the bulb on top Position the pointed end facing up and the base of the bulb nestling just above the water level.

3 Top up the water Keep water levels topped up but never let the base of the bulbs sit in water – just the roots. Paperwhite narcissi should flower 6–8 weeks from planting, hyacinths 10–12 weeks.

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