BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Cool windowsill

Delicate flowers for months


Where Wild cape primroses grow in dappled wooded valleys in South Africa. To grow them indoors they need bright light but not hot sun – an east- or west-facing windowsill is ideal. Watering It’s important not to overwater, so wait until the compost feels dry, and don’t let the plant sit in water. Take care not to splash the leaves as this can cause brown marks. Feed every couple of weeks with a high potash fertiliser, such as liquid tomato feed, at a quarter of the recommende­d dilution. In winter, water less and don’t feed. TLC Older leaves naturally turn brown at the tip. Remove the unsightly tip or the whole leaf at the base with secateurs. Moving on up Transfer into a slightly larger pot each spring – not too big though, as these plants flower more when slightly pot-bound. Use houseplant compost and add some perlite to improve drainage.

 ??  ?? Cape primrose ( Streptocar­pus ‘Polka-Dot Purple’) Keep plants tidy and encourage new flowers by snipping out faded blooms regularly Cape primrose ( Streptocar­pus ‘Cariad’) Zinc containers are available from garden centres and try
Cape primrose ( Streptocar­pus ‘Polka-Dot Purple’) Keep plants tidy and encourage new flowers by snipping out faded blooms regularly Cape primrose ( Streptocar­pus ‘Cariad’) Zinc containers are available from garden centres and try

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