BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

10 steps to long-lasting baskets

Preparatio­n is key to achieving perfect baskets. Follow our steps to ensure successful results, from choosing the right basket to prolonging the flowering period


1 Choose your style of basket, either one that has gaps for side planting or a top planting-only version. Larger baskets won’t dry out so quickly. 2 Can’t find a basket you like? Buy an inexpensiv­e woven hazel basket and paint it. Choose an outdoor paint in a colour that complement­s your basket plants. 3 Rest your basket on top of a bucket to hold it steady while you add the liners and fill it with compost and plants. 4 Cut holes in the plastic liner to allow easy drainage. Some baskets come ready-lined, or you can easily make a liner yourself using an old compost bag. 5 Some baskets come with built-in water reservoirs at the base. Alternativ­ely, pop a small plastic saucer at the bottom of the basket to hold on to water. 6 Use a good quality multi-purpose compost and add perlite to help with moisture retention and drainage. 7 Add slow-release fertiliser granules and distribute them evenly. Hungry plants will also benefit from a weekly dose of liquid plant food such as tomato fertiliser. 8 Position tall plants in the centre of the basket. Place trailing plants around the edges and in any planting holes in the sides – as they grow they will gradually disguise the basket. 9 Water once a day, or more if it’s hot or windy, and make sure the compost is completely soaked through. 10 Deadhead fading flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooms throughout the summer.

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1 3 5 7 9 gardenersw­ 2 4 6 8 J

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