Gloucestershire Echo

Saddened by thefts of ducks from two lakes

- J Wilcock Battledown

✒ RECENTLY, I have been saddened by the theft, disappeara­nce and death of some adult mallards and their ducklings from two lakes in The Park area.

At the garden lake, the thieves were trespassin­g, as well as breaking wildlife laws.

Mallard ducks and their eggs and ducklings are protected in the UK, under the Wildlife & Countrysid­e Act 1981 and it is an offence to intentiona­lly take, damage or destroy their nest, eggs or young.

During the breeding season, it is important not to chase away a duck that has started nesting, since she must be allowed access to her nest.

If you find a nest full of eggs, you must not interfere with them.

In this instance an adult was found dead on the road, leaving six orphaned ducklings unaccounte­d for, a disaster for the duck family.

The theft of Ducklings from Gloucester­shire Wildlife Trust nature reserve at the University of Gloucester­shire’s Park campus is equally serious, as this site should be inviolate, being a longstandi­ng local mature reserve and a fully-protected area for wildlife.

The public of Cheltenham are most fortunate to have such a beautiful and special reserve for quiet contemplat­ion.

Please remember to observe the “no dogs except Assistance dogs” by-law at The Park, as dogs can disturb & even kill wildlife please take your dog to Hatherley Park or Montpellie­r Gardens (both nearby) for “walkies” Thank you. Stealing these birds is a serious crime as they belong to everyone and no one.

This is a crime against nature and a crime against humanity. Please be vigilant and if you see anything untoward call the police’s National Wildlife Crime Unit and if you can, discreetly film the scene on your mobile, as evidence.

Our wildlife has enough problems to contend with, without the kidnapping of our beloved mallards and their delightful ducklings.

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