Grazia (UK)

Where do broken hearts go?

Relationsh­ips, …To the Museum of Broken gone sour form where the detritus of affairs taking poignancy a collection with breath-


break-ups and we’ve all been through process of returning experience­d the gruelling (or worse, throwing each other’s belongings and Dražen Grubišić them out). Olinka Vištica after splitting, created dated for four years and, tiny, seemingly a place to store the – often shared, symbolisin­g insignific­ant – items they its demise. Creating the their relationsh­ip and in the Old Museum Of Broken Relationsh­ips (which soon grew Town of Zagreb in Croatia from London to South into touring exhibition­s, LA museum) the pair Africa, as well as another of weird and have now been sent thousands to the collection, along wonderful items to add anonymous stories. with their heartbreak­ing, Of Broken Relationsh­ips: Taken from, Themuseum Objects, by Olinka Modern Love In 203 Everyday (W&N) out now Vištica and Dražen Grubišić

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