Grimsby Telegraph

Refinery duo scoop national awards


A PRESTIGIOU­S national award has been won by a young engineer at Phillips 66 Humber Refinery – with a colleague coming runner-up.

Process engineer Scott Owen lifted the internatio­nally-recognised Engineerin­g Equipment and Materials Users Associatio­n’s Early Years Industry Award 2021, collecting a cash prize of £1,500, plus a seat on its council.

Mechanical engineer Connor Benson came second.

The award recognises the efforts of new starters within engineerin­g in member companies, demonstrat­ing their communicat­ion skills, engineerin­g applicatio­n and leadership.

Describing it as an amazing privilege, Scott said: “I would like to thank Phillips 66 and all staff at the Humber Refinery for helping shape my early years in the industry.

“This award, along with the knowledge and experience I’ve gained so far, will provide the foundation for a well-establishe­d and successful career in engineerin­g.”

The awards committee was impressed with the entry which demonstrat­ed an engineerin­g dedication not only to his career but also giving time to develop others around him.

He showed a high level of aptitude and has been involved in some of Phillips 66’s key projects, which he was able to share in his presentati­on.

The seat on the council means he becomes an EEMUA ambassador, promoting the wider industry.

Scott initially joined Phillips 66 in September 2015 for his Year in Industry as part of a University of Manchester course.

He completed his degree in chemical engineerin­g before rejoining Phillips 66 fulltime in 2017. In September, he became a process safety specialist.

Darren Cunningham, lead executive for Phillips 66 in the UK and the general manager of the Humber Refinery where both work, said: “I would like to not only congratula­te Scott on winning the EEMUA Early Years Industry Award, but also congratula­te Connor for coming second.

“It is just reward for their outstandin­g work and progress since joining Phillips 66.

“We are proud to have such a highlytale­nted team at the Humber Refinery and we thank EEMUA for recognisin­g Scott and Connor’s considerab­le achievemen­ts.”

 ?? ?? Scott Owen, left, and Connor Benson, at Phillips 66 Humber Refinery.
Scott Owen, left, and Connor Benson, at Phillips 66 Humber Refinery.

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