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Inside the polling place


It’s easy to find out who your local candidates are – visit yourvotema­tters. co.uk and enter your postcode for a full list. And the Electoral Commission’s guide to the council elections – delivered to every household in Scotland – tells you everything you need to know in order to vote.

You can also download it from yourvotema­tters.co.uk.

You can vote in this election if you are registered to vote in Scotland and will be 16 or over on Thursday, May 4, 2017 and are: • a British or Irish citizen, or • a citizen of another European Union country, or • a Commonweal­th citizen who has leave to remain in the UK or who does not require leave to remain in the UK.

If you’ve received a poll card, you are registered to vote. Your poll card will tell you where and when to vote.

Only around 40 per cent of people who could vote did during the last Scottish council elections in 2012.

It’s still vitally important to have your say in next month’s local council elections as they directly affect you and your family’s lives.

Andy O’neill, Head of the Electoral Commission in Scotland said: “Councils are responsibl­e for Voting in the local council elections couldn’t be simpler: ●Voters will use the Single Transferab­le Vote (STV) system. You vote by using numbers.

●You will be given one ballot paper that lists all the candidates standing to be councillor­s in your ward.

●Number the candidates in order of your choice by putting the number 1 in the box next to the name of the candidate who is your first choice, 2 in the box next to your second choice, 3 in the box next to your third choice, and so on.

●You can make as many or as few choices as you wish. so many of the services that matter on our doorsteps.

“Whether it’s our transport to work, the education of our children or support for our older relatives.

“If we want to have a say in how these services are funded and delivered then we need to use our vote on May 4.”

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 ??  ?? Make it count It will be a busy time at polling stations across the country
Make it count It will be a busy time at polling stations across the country

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