Heat (UK)

Plank pimpin’

It’s time to put some A-list moves in your plank game…

- For more info on Pamela’s work, visit Smartercha­nge.co.uk

Planks are like Celebrity Big Brother.

They start out politely enough, then there’s some serious heavy breathing, before they turn savage. But they are unparallel­ed for being a workout you can pretty much do anywhere, anytime, with zero equipment (aside from on the No.96, unless you want a mouthful of bus dust).

They’re also a full-body affair, says personal trainer Pamela Windle, working your stomach, shoulders, arms, chest and bum.

If you are going to plank, you may as well make it the best plank it can be, just to make the most out of those brutal floor-staring minutes. So, we took some celeb-pimped versions and got Pamela to give us the lowdown.

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