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aries 20 Mar-19 Apr

Not everyone loves their job, but this week, a sweet Venus aspect hands you an enjoyable way to make money. Go for it. At home, however, you may need a reality check. It’s not the time for risky plans for the house, so hold off for a little while longer.

Lucky emoji: Moneybag

taurus 20 Apr-20 May

Sometimes if you let go of a problem, a solution spontaneou­sly appears. If a work issue is bothering you, fix your attention on something else. Elsewhere, a strong social 5th house hints that you want to have fun this week. That’s OK – less responsibi­lity will do you good.

Lucky ability: Letting it wash

gemini 21 May-20 Jun

Now’s a great time to tackle that issue you’ve been avoiding. A strong 4th house of home and family will help ensure those communicat­ion skills don’t fail. Work-wise, try to ignore a potentiall­y hurtful piece of gossip, even if you’re dying to dish.

Lucky talent: Knowing when to speak up

cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul

You’ve been working away and building yourself up for the next career push, but it’s time for a different focus as family becomes your priority. You’ll get the balance right. Elsewhere, it may be time to address your diet. Try adding more fresh food.

Lucky idea: Weighing things up

Leo 23 Jul-23 Aug

You’re good at handling work stress, but there’s still too much retrograde activity for comfort. Why go through it? If there’s a chance of a break, grab it. Good news on the home front means a family celebratio­n, so break out the Prosecco.

Lucky direction: Down a gear

virgo 24 Aug-23 Sep

Mars in your sign adds to your sexiness, stamina, courage – and the urge to overdo it. Tone down that super-energy this week, so you don’t deflate faster than you need to. Work-wise, it’s roughly the same story – avoid overambiti­ous projects for now.

Lucky brainwave: Less is more

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct

Whether you’re single or coupled up, your love planet Mars promises something to give you a glow this week. As Libra Kim K says, “It’s fun to have a partner who understand­s you and lets you be you.” Don’t settle for less. Workwise, assertiven­ess is your friend.

Lucky stance: Assertive

scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov

This week is more stairlift than roller coaster as a much- improved Mercury aspect makes home and work less hectic. But while breathing a sigh of relief, don’t lack attention to detail career-wise or you may miss an opportunit­y.

Lucky colour: Blue

sagittariu­s 22 Nov- 21 Dec

We all obsess about money sometimes, but your financial planet Saturn hints you may be taking it too far right now. Take time to really treasure your loved ones. Health-wise, balance those retrograde planets by delegating.

Lucky proverb: Home is where the heart is

capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan

You deserve your current work triumphs and Jupiter in your career house says there’s more to come. You’re focused, but be patient with colleagues who aren’t so driven. At home, something has to give. How about a meal out with your understand­ing partner?

Lucky idea: Give something back

aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb

Tensions at home should ease with a less stressful Mars aspect, but a retrograde Neptune means you need to be wary of money squabbles. Don’t shout about them –sit down and work things out. Elsewhere, dust off your sympathy for a friend’s recurring issue.

Lucky move: Talking it through

pisces 19 Feb-19 Mar

An ultra-powerful 7th house of love is your boss this week. Singles may meet their match and partners needing to bridge a difference do so beautifull­y. Don’t let escapism cloud a work issue. Face it and you’ll be fine.

Lucky emoji: Hearts for eyes

 ??  ?? Jess Wright 16 September 1985 Jennifer Hudson 12 September 1981
Jess Wright 16 September 1985 Jennifer Hudson 12 September 1981
 ??  ?? Jada Pinkett smith 18 September 1971
Jada Pinkett smith 18 September 1971

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