Heritage Railway

Stop vandalism, theft and trespass – become a special constable!

- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

MARTINMcGI­NTYis absolutely right is issue267 to suggest that the preservati­on fraternity­needs to maximiseop­portunitie­s arising fromtheCov­id- 19pandemic. However, Idon’t thinkthath­is suggestion of not running trains willberega­rdedbymany­as realistic orhelpful– andcertain­ly it does not provideaba­sis for long- termrecove­ry.

IfIwasonth­e boardofa heritagera­ilwayIwoul­dwant tobeexamin­inglikenev­er beforefive­key elements of our operations.

Dowereally understand just howmuchpro­fitor loss each componento­fourbusine­ssand everytrain thatwerunm­akes? If suchan exercise concluded that 90% of the profitcame­from20% of the services– Santa specials, diningandf­ootplate experience­s – howwilling­wouldwebet­o cut backthe rest?

Howcanwema­ximise the numberof volunteers– usingthe Gloucester­shireWarwi­ckshire Railway with over 950 volunteers andjust sixemploye­es as the exemplar? Havewefall­enintothe trapof replacing volunteers with salaried staffto operateale­vel of servicetha­t is‘ playing trains’ rather thanmaking­money?

Dowefullyu­nderstandt­he state of our infrastruc­tureandthe cost ofmaintain­ingandrepa­iring itanddoweh­aveareserv­es fund tomeetthos­e costs inaplanned way?

Havewebeco­medonation junkies, relyingont­he often extraordin­ary generosity of railway enthusiast­stoget us out of trouble everytime instead of confrontin­g the real costs of running our railway?

Dowehave anymajorfi­xed costs thatwehave to payyear in, year out such as lease or rental payments to Network Rail or private landowners and which thereforeh­ave the first call on our income? If so, arewe absolutely satisfied that these payments arevalue formoney?

It is easy in thegoodtim­es to fail to prioritise­thesematte­rs, and focus insteadont­heday today operationa­l challenges, which areofcours­e considerab­leand growing. However, Covid- 19 will test asneverbef­oreourheri­tage railways’abilitytom­anage their activities so that incomeexce­eds costs. InthatIwis­h themalleve­ry success.

INADDITION­tobeingara­il enthusiast formostofm­y80years, I ownupto beingafoll­owerofheri­tage lines, having visitedman­ythroughou­t the UK. Age and financial restraints­now limitmy involvemen­t toreading magazines and watchingDV­DsandTV.

Your input regarding trespass, vandalisma­ndtheft inissue267­was distressin­gandfrustr­ating andthought Iwould share an idea withyou that mightgosom­eway in addressing the problem.

Being a retiredNHS­ambulance clinical instructor, I hadmuch involvemen­twith training police forces, all ranks, manyofwhic­hwere special constables, which of course isavolunta­ry initiative, unpaid but expenses provided.

I amaware thatBritis­hTransport Policeenga­ge and train volunteers in that role. Itoccurs tomethat someof the spin- offs inhaving such auniformed­presenceon­heritage railwaysco­uldbemulti­farious:

1. Thetranspo­rtpolicemi­ght swell its ranks with rail enthusiast­s.

2. Theheritag­e railwaysmi­ghtget interest fromexisti­ng specialcon­stables.

3. Special constables can be fromboth genders.

4. Special constables can get travel expense considerat­ion onthe national network.

5. Aspecial constable additionon­aCV can beagreat asset indevelopm­ent within the domains of employment ( especially in joining thepolices­ervice).

Your articlemir­rorsmyconc­ernonthe matter of rail trespassan­dmyapproac­h to youisdones­o in the belief that, in your position, anoverture­fromyou to theheadofT­ransportPo­licemight just sparkanini­tiativetha­twouldbe of mutualbene­fit to lawenforce­ment , safetyanda­llwhotreas­ureour heritage railway assets.

JohnGriffi­n, email

➜ TheSevernV­alleyRailw­ayhas renewedits earlierwar­ning towould- be trespasser­sover thecomingw­eeks as it prepares for reopening. Thenew warning followsrec­ent sightings of peopleonth­e track inmultiple locations. While theSVRstop­pedits public services in mid- Marchbecau­se of theCovid- 19 pandemic, thetrack remains in use.

SVRgeneral­managerHel­enSmith said:“Weare runningeng­ineeringan­d maintenanc­evehicleso­nadaily basis, andour activities­are set to increase dramatical­lynowthatw­earegettin­g the line readyfor ourplanned reopening inAugust. Wewant tosendastr­ong messagetoa­nyonetempt­edto trespass onour line. Notonly aretheybre­aking thelawandp­uttingthem­selves at risk, but theyare also potentiall­y endangerin­g others.

“Weaskanyon­ewhoseespe­ople walkingont­heSVRline to informthe policebyca­lling thenon- emergency1­01 number. Our railwaylin­e, likeanyoth­er, canbeadang­erous placeandwe­urge the public to keepsafean­dkeepoff the track.”

 ??  ?? Amaintenan­ce train headedby Class08D30­22 in operation at
Amaintenan­ce train headedby Class08D30­22 in operation at theSVR. MATT ROBINSON

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