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1 Prunus ‘Okamé’ Will grow for a few seasons in a pot, but it is better in the garden, where it will develop into a small tree. March – April. 3-5m. AGM. USDA 6a-8b.

2 Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’ After use can be planted out in well-drained soil. February – March. 10-15cm. RHS H7, USDA 5a-9b.

3 Primula denticulat­a ‘Corolla Blue’ One of the easier primulas to grow. Keep moist at all times. March – April. 20-30cm. AGM. RHS H6.

4 Crocus tommasinia­nus Great to naturalise in grass and even self-seeds. February – March. 10cm. AGM. RHS H6, USDA 3a-8b.

5 Early Saxifraga Pink’ and x arendsii ‘Alpino

6 S. x arendsii ‘Touran Lime Green’ Both create a lovely evergreen mound. March – late summer. 10-15cm. USDA 5a-7b. For details of the two Cyclamen coum shown in pot right, but not above,

Being greeted by a cloud of fragrance when you open the front door is a great start to the day. The perfume emanating from this arrangemen­t will welcome you for weeks and the flowers will last equally long. This pot captures some of my favourite scents of early spring, while the strong green of the Sarcococca confusa, the marbled leaves of cyclamen and the purple of the Bergenia cordifolia look great just outside the door. White, pink and purple flowers lift the arrangemen­t and together create a strong planting scheme.

How to achieve the look

The dark leaves of Sarcococca confusa work well as a backdrop in floral arrangemen­ts. The scent of the flowers is an added bonus. Cyclamen provide an attractive contrast, with their exquisite flowers and grey-patterned leaves. You can really appreciate them close up in a pot. Hyacinths are the temporary stars of this planting scheme. I started them in pots, so they are all at different stages of flowering, which leads to a more natural look and prolongs flowering. Bergenia cordifolia ‘Overture’ is one of the best plants for dark-red leaves in winter. It provides contrast in terms of shape, and the colour has a calming, complement­ary effect on the arrangemen­t. Later in spring, magenta flowers appear on tall, scarlet stems. This simple terracotta pot had been whitewashe­d and used repeatedly in the garden. The pattern of algae on the paint mirrors the leaves of the cyclamen and contrasts with the other plants. As there is only one hole in the pot, I used a generous layer of terracotta crocks and grit for drainage and a mixture of John Innes No.2 and multi-purpose compost with extra grit. This combinatio­n also looks good without flowers and should last for another season, given some watering and a liquid feed.


1 Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Fairy White’ I usually pot some bulbs and move them into the greenhouse to use them earlier and over a longer period. March. 20-30cm. USDA 4a-8b. 2 Sarcococca confusa Evergreen shrub with tiny, fragrant, white flowers. Can be kept shorter by pruning. December – March. 2m. AGM. RHS H5, USDA 6a-9b. 3 Cyclamen coum f. pallidum ‘Album’ and 4 C. coum f. coum Both are a jewel in any arrangemen­t, with delicate flowers in white and pink. Cyclamen coum are also ideal planted under hedges or shrubs in the garden, as it tends to be drier in summer. February – March. 10cm. RHS H5, USDA 6a-9b. 5 Bergenia cordifolia ‘Overture’ A very attractive cultivar with magenta flowers on tall stems. I also enjoy using them as cut flowers. March – April. 20-30cm. RHS H6, USDA 3a-8b.

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