Homebuilding & Renovating

Signing off

What we’ve seen, recommend and love this month

- Michelle Guy, Assistant Editor

A final word from the team


I’ll admit it, I’m not particular­ly green fingered — even my track record for growing indoor plants isn’t great! And outside, we’re very lucky — we inherited a garden with an abundant mix of roses, clematis, bamboo, sweet smelling Philadelph­us (I Googled it), Holly, Hydrangea (and others I have yet to identify) that all pretty much look after themselves, save for the occasional prune.

Spending so much more time in the garden though has got me thinking about what I could attempt to grow (other than Sunflowers with the children) and reading Rob Dwiar’s feature on ‘How to grow an organic garden’ (page 84) has inspired me. Perhaps it’s time this armchair gardener stretched her fingers, dug out her trowel and got growing, green! Watch this space… (but don’t hold me to it).

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