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What’s happening on… social media?

Here’s the latest from some of our favourite accounts…


“For the first time, scientists saw a gammaray burst caused by neutron stars colliding & saw the gravity wave”


“we’re proud to announce that New scientist Live attracted 30,459 visitors. we’re doing it all again next year! save the date 20-23 september”


“i’ve made a film about being different, how it’s sometimes difficult and sometimes brilliant, not just about what i can’t do but what i can”


“i love being in the sahara desert. i’m pleased it’s come to visit me for a change. #redsky #saharadust”


“FYI: A cow can jump over the moon if she aims where the moon will be in three days, then leaps at about 25,000 miles per hour”


“one of the coolest things to do in space? watching Star Wars...half expected to see a tie fighter out the cupola! ”


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