How It Works

Why does grey hair grow at different rates?

- Antonio Buggin SD

As we age, our hair follicles naturally decrease in their productivi­ty of melanocyte­s, cells located in the skin’s epidermis containing a pigment called melanin. As production decreases, the colour of our hair follows suit. This decolouris­ation occurs within the individual life cycle of each hair strand on our bodies. The reason these grey hairs may appear in different places and grow at different rates is based on where a single hair is in its life cycle. As one hair falls out, a new grey hair has a chance of replacing it. Each one of our hair follicles is at a different stage in the cycle, so all hair does not grow in unison.

Factors such as stress and inherited genetic traits can also contribute to when and where the greys begin to sprout.

 ?? © Getty ?? Typically, grey hairs begin to appear over the age of 35
© Getty Typically, grey hairs begin to appear over the age of 35

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