Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Don’t plead on bended knee to the bullying EU


Annie Ross, singer/actress Nicole Farhi, fashion designer, Sheena McDonald, broadcaste­r, Iman, model and wife of David Bowie, Matt LeBlanc, actor Lord Nicholas Windsor, son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Kevin Phillips, former footballer, AS expected, the EU is using the same bullying tactics on the UK as they used on Greece.

Like a seedy protection racket, the EU demands money from us without any legal, financial or moral justificat­ion. Then when the UK government hesitates to pay on the nail the EU threatens to suspend talks.

The EU is relying on weakwilled Remains in this country to pressure the government into appeasemen­t. Apparently we must bow our heads, plead on bended knee to remain in the single market and pay the EU lots of gold. But abasement and eagerness to pay will increase the EU’s bullying, not make it go away. EU politician­s exploit offers of compromise as a sign of weakness.

And the Remain notion that the UK cannot survive and prosper without being in the single market, or without a supposed “interim” agreement (that in reality will never result in exit), is just ludicrous. What about all the rest of the world’s nations which are not in the EU – how could they possibly cope if the Remains were correct?

What is needed is the courage and, more importantl­y, the resolve to seek independen­ce as the USA, India, etc, did in years past.

Do we have the determinat­ion shown by our forefather­s or will we go down in history as the EU appeasers? The only way we will get what we voted for – independen­ce and a trade deal – is to walk away after giving 12 month’s notice. Mere threats of walking out won’t hack it. We have to give notice and go. Now. I HEARD Tony Blair (the most disgracefu­l politician in recent years in my view) speaking so passionate­ly about over ruling the free vote of the people and staying in Europe.

The politician­s of the present day should abide by the will of the people. They and the House of Lords cannot alter the results of a nationwide election at will.

It was drummed into us every day that this was a once and once only vote for the people of this country. I did not hear any mention at all in that lead up that said “but if it does not agree with what we MPs and House of Lords want we will do everything in our power to change it.”

The way they are treating Theresa May at this time from all quarters I think is utterly disgracefu­l.

The worst comment I heard and saw on TV was made two days after the election by George Osborne when he said with such venom “dead woman walking.”

All my support went to Theresa May and I hope she makes a success of what David Cameron ran away from.

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