Huddersfield Daily Examiner

NHS still needs to find more cash cuts


“transforma­tional savings target” of £1.53m it is planning to deliver “a small surplus” of £20,000 in 2018/19 against a budget of £69m.

Interim finance director Anna Lamplough said the company was “operating in a financiall­y challenged arena” that required innovative changes to the way health services are provided in order to operate within the constraint­s of the funding it received.

At the same time as it needs to make savings of £4m in 2018/19 and £3.6m in 2019/20, Kirklees Adult Social Care faces growth/ cost pressures around the number of people requiring support and increasing levels of complexity in their needs.

Concerns over sustainabi­lity have been alleviated by short-term funding but, said Strategic Director for Adults and Health Richard Parry: “The nature of this being short-term does not allow for confidence in longer term planning.”

He added that “key pressures remain” as the service moves forward.

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