Kent Messenger Maidstone

Cheaper fares on our buses?


Londoners will be moving into flats in Maidstone while some residents in Maidstone are living in very cramped conditions.

Will they, also, be getting discounted travel on the buses because, in London, if you are on benefits, you get this? Maureen Jopson, Stockett Lane, Coxheath. time. This really is not good enough and accordingl­y BIG has called for an interim progress update from the operators by December 2016.

Most constructi­vely the report recommends that government imposes a responsibi­lity on the providers to allow access to the best available signal from any provider in areas of poor service, known as ‘macro not spot roaming’. I will be taking this up personally with the minister and the secretary of state and will keep you posted.

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