Kentish Express Ashford & District

Ongoing complaints cost taxpayers


I was delighted to read your full page report regarding Chris Cooper’s complaint to Ashford Borough Council about the railings in the churchyard and that he is taking the council to task over this and other issues (Repair Church Railings – Or I Won’t Pay My Council Tax, KE, February 18).

As an active member of the St Mary’s congregati­on I mistakenly thought that the church, the PCC and the Diocese have, over the past 10 years, been the sole recipients of vitriolic letters and emails regarding the churchyard and the demeanour of those using it.

It’s nice to know that this burden has been shared with the borough council. Your report fails to acknowledg­e that through Mr Cooper’s lobbying he has succeeded in bullying the council into gating the churchyard during the weekends in order to restrict public access, and erecting notices requiring the public to behave quietly as this is a residentia­l area and an alcohol-free zone.

Having checked with the Oxford Dictionary, ghetto is defined as “Jews’

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