Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Battle of hustings

Parties at uni

- By Dan Wright @Dan_wrightkm

The race for the district’s two general election seats gathered pace this week when the first hustings were held.

Residents quizzed candidates fighting over the Canterbury and Whitstable constituen­cy at a gathering at the town’s Umbrella Centre.

And in Herne Bay, the one and only hustings held to debate the North Thanet seat was attended by about 100 people.

Canterbury and Whitstable hustings organiser Richard Benzie said: “It was a highlychar­ged debate and much of the time was spent discussing the implicatio­ns of Brexit.

“When the chair of the hustings opened up the proceeding­s to the floor, it was clear that members of the audience had a whole host of concerns in this general election besides Brexit, including housing shortages, the poor state of educationa­l facilities and recent planning decisions.

“The strength of feeling about the future of the Kent and Canterbury Hospital (K&C) ran especially high.”

Health campaigner­s are fighting against the drastic scaling-back of emergency care provision at the K&C, which many fear is the start of the downgradin­g of the hospital.

In March, Health Education England instructed the removal of junior doctors at the K&C because they are not being adequately supervised.

Bosses at the University of Kent and Canterbury Christ 1) Henry Stanton, Green Party 2) James Flanagan, Lib Dems 3) Sir Julian Brazier, Conservati­ve 4) Rosie Duffield, Labour 1) Sir Roger Gale, Conservati­ve 2) Frances Rehal, Labour 3) Ed Targett, Green Party 4) Martyn Pennington, Lib Dems 5) Clive Egan, Ukip 6) Iris White, Christian People’s Alliance

Church are also working together on plans for a new medical school in Kent.

At the Herne Bay hustings at Christ Church in William Street, the Rev Anthony Everett, who organised the event, says the future of the K&C also featured.

“The most popular subject was the future of Manston airport, but the K&C and whether there will be a medical school featured as well,” he said.

“People had fears about cargo flights coming over Herne Bay if Manston became an airport again and they discussed what its future was.

“We also had questions on education, housing, social care and Brexit.”

What do you think? Email kentishgaz­ette@thekmgroup. or write to Gazette House, 5-8 Boorman Way, Wraik Hill, Whitstable, CT5 3SE. The four candidates for the Canterbury and Whitstable general election seat will attend a hustings at Canterbury Christ Church University tomorrow (Friday).

Each candidate will be given time to outline their party’s main policies before a Q&A session.

Questions can be sent to hustings20­17@canterbury. or taken from the audience during the event itself.

It will be held from 6.30pm at Old Sessions House, Longport.

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