Loughborough Echo

Book is released


A LOUGHBOROU­GH resident has had her story published about a beautiful woman who falls in love with a dangerous kind of man.

Ellen Baxter, who has lived in Loughborou­gh for 23 years after moving from Grantham, released her book Fallen Angel this summer.

Ellen, who decided to gain better qualificat­ions four years ago, wrote a short story during her studies and penned the novel that follows Eliza Fenwick, a delicate girl, of whom her middle-class parents are extremely proud, and her relationsh­ip with Luke Barton, a ‘face’ for the Irish gangster Gerry McGuire.

Luke works in a dangerous world in which certain skills are required and when events conspire to threaten Lizzy’s life, he uses those skills to the full.

Publishers Austin Macauley have printed the book accompanie­d with the short story titled What Was That Noise?.

Fallen Angel can be purchased at www.austinmaca­uley.com

It is also available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Waterstone­s.

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