Macclesfield Express

Pre-school pupils delighted with outstandin­g rating


STAFF and children at St Alban’s Pre-School are celebratin­g top marks following their recent Ofsted inspection.

And what makes it even more special is that it’s a double – as the main St Alban’s Catholic Primary School gained its own outstandin­g rating last autumn.

The pre-school, set on a leafy site off Priory Lane in Macclesfie­ld, was judged to be outstandin­g in all three areas – how well the early years provision meets the needs of the children, its contributi­on to the children’s wellbeing and the effectiven­ess of its leadership and manage- ment.

Inspectors said the preschool has a friendly, community-based atmosphere where pre-schoolers settle in quickly and make friends with the staff and, importantl­y, each other and that pre-school prepared children well for the ‘big step up to reception’.

Teaching was judged to be outstandin­g, with ‘excellent staff who understand the children’s abilities well’ and are able to provide a vibrant range of activities for the children to enjoy during the day.

Elaine Mercer, head of the pre-school said: “We are all absolutely thrilled with our report, and so proud of all our staff and children.”

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