Macclesfield Express

Weekly jobs


●● Pick courgettes while they are young and before they turn into marrows ●● Order catalogues for next year’s springflow­ering bulbs ●● Give woodwork a lick of paint or preservati­ve while the weather’s dry ●● Prepare the garden if you’re going away, asking family or neighbours to water it for you or install an automatic irrigation system ●● Help revive tired containers and baskets by cutting back all flowering plants and giving them a good feed ●● Divide clumps of bearded iris ●● On balmy nights, leave pond pumps on to maintain oxygen levels ●● Raise the lawnmower cutting height slightly to help the grass resist summer wear and tear ●● Continue cutting out old fruited canes on raspberrie­s ●● Cut sweetpeas for the house, which will encourage further flowers

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