Manchester Evening News

Naughty schoolkids should not be rewarded


I HAVE just read, with total disbelief and anger, your article ‘Bad’ pupils’ Leavers Day fun cut short (M.E.N., August 9).

Arden Primary did exactly the right thing rewarding good behaviour and penalising unacceptab­le behaviour!

Consistent behaviour policies need to be followed in schools and parents need to support these.

It is no wonder that teachers are struggling with the behaviour of a minority of pupils (who disrupt the learning of others) when they do not have full parental support.

Children need to know that there are consequenc­es for unacceptab­le behaviour and that these consequenc­es will be followed through.

It makes no difference whether or not it is the leavers celebratio­n –10 and 11-year-olds know exactly what they are doing.

What precedent will this have in the future? Wise up parents and don’t give in to your children and support the school!

A concerned reader

■ YOUR article about naughty pupils having to watch the good pupils having fun first I fully support. They should learn to behave, after all you don’t reward bad behaviour.

C Graham, Salford

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