Men's Fitness

Make the perfect omelette

Mastering the chef’s favourite means you’ll never be short of a healthy breakfast


Our Michelin-starred chef explains how you can make a delicious muscle-building egg snack

Not all omelettes are created equal. The basic recipe’s in use everywhere from Japan (where it’s served in rectangula­r segments) to Iran (where it’s called khagineh and made with sugar), but for one of the best-tasting versions you don’t need to look any further than across the Channel. “The thing about a classic omelette is you shouldn’t have any colour on the outside,” says Michelin-starred chef Adam Gray, your tutor for this version

française. “You want it very tender, very soft – no browning at all.” The bonus: it’s moist inside, not the rubbery frisbee you’ve been slung in service station cafés. Here’s how to make one.


Beat four eggs in a bowl with a fork until they’re thoroughly mixed – any stringy bits of albumen will mess with the final product. Add some salt, pepper and (optional) chives as you mix. Get your pan reasonably hot, and then put in a knob of butter – keep an eye on the heat because you don’t want it to brown.


Pour the egg mixture into the pan and keep whisking as it warms up – shake the pan to make sure you get as few “curds” as possible. As the omelette cooks through, tilt the pan towards one side and start to “roll” your omelette.


Tilt the pan slightly and whack it with the edge of your hand to jolt the bottom end of the omelette out slightly, then fold it over into a neat little parcel. Before you fold, add any fillings you want, precooked or otherwise. Slide it out onto a plate and eat it before it cools down.

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