Men's Fitness

Super veg



If anything deserves the term superfoods, it’s cruciferou­s vegetables. The likes of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, pak choi and collard greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidan­ts, fibre and compounds called glucosinol­ates, which have shown promise in reducing the risk of lung and bowel cancer. They can be eaten raw or cooked; try using pak choi or brussels sprouts in place of regular cabbage in coleslaw.


Always choose darker greens like spinach, chard and especially watercress, which is high in vitamin K, betacarote­ne, and the cancer-fighting compound PEITC.


Onions have more antioxidan­ts than other veg, mostly in the outer layers, so peel off only the papery coating and sauté or roast whole at 200°C/ gas 6 for an hour as an alternativ­e to a baked potato.


Boil or roast butternut squash or pumpkin – top sources of carotenoid­s like lutein and zeaxanthin – and add to salads and pastas. And don’t forget the edible seeds too, for B vitamins and a variety of minerals.


Seaweed is full of iron and vitamin C. Get pre-made seaweed salads, add spirulina powder to smoothies and shred toasted nori sheets over eggs and salads.

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