Men's Health (UK)



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Cuisinart Griddle and Grill GR4CU £100 •••••••••• Design •••••••••• Performanc­e •••••••••• Ease of use CULINARY CHAMELEON Whether used as an unfolded contact grill for more delicate veg or a closedgrid­dle press for robust slabs of meat, this machine’s adaptable floating hinges make a veritable feast out of all kinds of comestible­s. And it’ll do it in seconds thanks to a scorching top temperatur­e of 230°C. EXPERT VERDICT With the high temperatur­e being so e ective at searing fat, you’d best be careful of your clothes around spitting grease pools at the back of each plate that the internal drip tray can’t handle. Neverthele­ss, the Cuisinart is solid, stylish and adaptable, earning it an MH license to grill.

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