Midweek Sport



A KILLER accused of “torturing” his victim’s mother by refusing to say where her body is buried could be released from prison today.

Ian Simms abducted and murdered Helen McCourt ( left) in 1988 but has never revealed what he did with the 22-year-old’s remains.

Her mother Marie is facing an agonising wait for the parole board’s decision and fears she’ll never be able to bury her daughter if he’s released.

She described Simms as “sick” and compared him to Moors Murderer Ian Brady for denying Helen a proper burial and funeral.

She said: “It’s the only thing, it’s the last thing I can do for my daughter. No mother wants to bury their child but not to be able to do that when you know they’re gone and can’t come back – the pain is indescriba­ble.”

Mrs McCourt, 72, is campaignin­g for the law to be changed, denying killers who withhold informatio­n the chance of freedom.

Simms, was convicted on DNA evidence of murdering Helen in Billinge, near Wigan.

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