Midweek Sport




ACROSS 1. Baa (5) 6. Star sign (5) 9. Cheerful & optimistic (7) 10. Outrider (5) 11. By or in itself (3,2) 12. Strong coffee (5) 13. Young hare (7) 15. Body of water (3) 17. Yes votes (4) 18. Changes (6) 19. Animal’s nose (5) 20. Elicits (6) 22. Very keen (4) 24. Golf’s Mr Torrance (3) 25. Spartan (7) 26. Teacher (5) 27. Death-dealing (5) 28. Humorous (5) 29. Of Mars (7) 30. Discourage (5) 31. Actions (5) DOWN 2. Servile follower (6) 3. Maltreats (6) 4. Sound of disapprova­l (3) 5. Give out (5) 6. Road-surface material (7) 7. American ostrich (4) 8. Religious festival (6) 12. Intends (5) 13. Shoe fasteners (5) 14. Malice, spite (5) 15. Wait on (5) 16. Stage whisper (5) 18. Bode (5) 19. Temporal (7) 21. Leave empty (6) 22. Acclimatis­e (6) 23. Pressed (6) 25. Major artery (5) 26. Domesticat­e (4) 28. Craze, informally (3)

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