Mojo (UK)

6 Loudon Wainwright III

Album III/Attempted Mustache/ Unrequited


CHERRY RED 2011, FROM £8.98 You Say: “Three superb albums from ’72-75 in one affordable package.“Robert McLoud, via e-mail Bit of a cheat – three Loudon LPs, recorded at the height of his fame between 1972-75. All are problemati­c but all contain some of his finest songs. Album III begins with unexpected novelty hit Dead Skunk, but also has the stark, heartrendi­ng relationsh­ip metaphor Red Guitar, and self-loathing confession­al Drinking Song. Attempted Mustache begins with the deceptivel­y vicious Lullaby (“shut up and go to bed”) and lovely Swimming Song, but falls away, while the live/studio Unrequited shows Wainwright at his acerbic best (Hollywood Hopeful) and goofball worst (Hardy Boys At The Y, Rufus Is A Tit Man).

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