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Here To Help

- By Anna Gucova, skin cancer screening nurse at The Mole Clinic

Q I have moles on my arms. Do they automatica­lly mean I’m at risk of cancer?

A Most moles are harmless, but it is important to check them regularly to make sure they’re not new, changing, or unusual-looking. Selfmonito­ring is actually easier than you think. Following the “ABCDE rules” on what you should look out for is a useful tool in self-monitoring and will help determine if expert diagnosis is needed. Look for moles that are: asymmetric­al in shape; a jagged border; different colours from one area to another; whether the mole is evolving and a bigger diameter than 7mm. If in doubt, see your GP. Or you could book an appointmen­t with The Mole Clinic and have a specialist nurse check all your moles. Visit WWW.THEMOLECLI­NIC.CO.UK to find out prices and whether the service is available in your area.

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