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THIS WEEK: Holiday Constipati­on

- By Kate Arnold, Nutritioni­st and Gut Expert


I always get constipate­d when I go on holiday. Is there anything I can do about it? A Constipati­on on holiday is common due to the change in our routine, eating different foods at odd times and

sitting down for longer periods. Luckily there are lots of simple ways to prevent it. Sneak in a daily walk or swim to keep the gut moving. Eat and go to the toilet at regular times and ensure you are eating lots of fibre like wholegrain­s, nuts and vegetables. If lifestyle changes don’t work, constipati­on treatments like Dulcolax (£2.24 for a pack of 20 tablets, available from pharmacies and supermarke­ts nationwide) provide predictabl­e overnight relief. Visit WWW. MYCONSTIPA­TIONRELIEF.COM/UK for a free guide with further tips to help manage constipati­on while on holiday.

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