Perthshire Advertiser

Kirsty inspires at menopause cafe

Gathering part of Women of the World Festival

- Rachel Clark

Women from across Perth and Kinross joined broadcaste­r Kirsty Wark at a special menopause-themed event over the weekend.

As part of the Women of the World (WOW) festival, around 25 women came together for Perth’s third menopause cafe at Perth Concert Hall on Saturday.

In addition to broadcaste­r Kirsty, attendees were joined by Rachel Weiss – a senior partner at Rowan Consultanc­y, which runs regular menopause cafes in the Fair City.

The event, which was inspired by Kirsty’s BBC Scotland TV documentar­y on the ‘Third Stage of Life,’ saw interviews and discussion­s to help tackle misconcept­ions about the menopause and encourage both men and women to talk openly about the subject.

Kirsty said: “There are a lot of misunderst­andings and misconcept­ions about the menopause.

“Unfortunat­ely, it’s generally associated with failing women and the onset of old age, not about women who are in their prime of life.

“After we made the BBC documentar­y, we heard from so many women who initially had no idea how debilitati­ng it can be, until it happened to them. Many watched it with their partners or their mums and it really did start a conversati­on in many homes and workplaces across the country.”

She continued: “Of course there are some women who are lucky enough to get by without many symptoms but, irrespecti­ve of how it affects different women, the menopause still carries connotatio­ns of age and something we just need to ‘get on with’.

“Many women up and down the country go to their GPs when their symptoms start, and are wrongly given antidepres­sants, complainin­g of forgetfuln­ess, joint pain and exhaustion. What they actually need is support and that’s where these menopause cafes are just brilliant. I hope that many more will spread across the country and encourage more and more women, and men, to open up about the subject.”

Kirsty and Rachel then went on to present a panel discussion at the WOW festival following the menopause cafe at the concert hall.

Rachel, a founder of the menopause cafe, added: “We were delighted that Kirsty joined the many other women who attended our menopause cafe at the weekend.

“We had a fantastic turnout and it was great to have Kirsty there among them, given that her documentar­y was the catalyst for the very first event which was held in the summer.

“Unfortunat­ely, perhaps because their mothers and grandmothe­rs did, many women feel that they should just suffer in silence. However, the menopause affects all women eventually, as well as those they live and spend time with, so the cafe forum provides the perfect, relaxing environmen­t in which to share stories or just listen, giving participan­ts a clearer sense of the impact of the menopause, and how it might affect them.”

The next menopause cafe will be held at 5pm on Thursday, November 9 at the Edinburgh Press Club.

• Further coverage of the WOW Festival will be featured in Friday’s PA.

Kirsty Wark and Rachel Weiss. Pic: Fraser Band

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