Rail (UK)

Rail Week


Rail Week is the first pan-industry collaborat­ive effort aimed at bridging the sector’s looming skills gap and inspiring the next generation of rail profession­als.

The week of rail-related activity will include a range of events, visits and talks to promote careers in the rail industry to the public - in particular to students at schools, colleges and universiti­es across the UK.

In 2016, more than 70 companies and organisati­ons joined together to deliver 157 events across the country for the first ever Rail Week.

This year, Rail Week will take place just before the half-term for most schools and universiti­es starts again, to allow YRP to work more closely with schools and teachers to achieve even greater exposure of Rail Week to young people across the country.

For more informatio­n about how you can get involved, visit www.railweek.com

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