Retro Gamer



Full Metal Video

We can’t stress enough how impressive it is to see a prerendere­d intro video on the Game Boy Color. That’s the kind of thing that’s normally the preserve of machines with the benefit of CD-ROM storage.

War Song

Okay, it’s a little bit scratchy because of the way it had to be crunched into Nintendo’s handheld, but it’s frankly amazing that Codemaster­s got the classic intro song War Has Never Been So Much Fun into the game.

Miniature Warfare

While the interface is a far cry from the original and some compromise­s were made, the action is very similar to the 16-bit versions and the mission maps will be instantly recognisab­le to fans of the originals, too.

Storage efficiency

All of this lavish presentati­on required a lot of space, and Cannon Fodder did use a 32-megabit cartridge. That might seem a huge amount for an 8-bit game, but it’s actually no more than the likes of Metal Gear Solid used.

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