Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Mark beats best in Europe again

- BY OLIVER CLAY oliver.clay@trinitymir­ @OliverClay­RWWN

AWIDNES table tennis ace who received a double lung transplant and who only has 23% lung capacity has beaten the odds to become double European champion in table tennis – again.

Mark Allen’s victory brings his European Transplant Games gold tally to six, in addition to adding silver and bronze medals to his British titles.

The 44-year-old, originally from Lichfield, who lives in Widnes, took gold in both the singles and doubles in this year’s Vantaa 2016 European Heart And Lung Transplant Championsh­ips in Vantaa in Finland.

His doubles partner Maggie Gambrill also won gold in her singles, with Jill Edwards winning gold in the 70 years plus contest.

Joan Whitney won silver in the 70-plus and two golds in singles and doubles, making it a great day for Team GB with several other medals.

Mark received a £100 sports developmen­t grant towards the event, which cost more than £800 in hotels, fees, registrati­on and travel, from Halton Borough Council.

The Halton Council communicat­ions officer, who trains at Halton Table Tennis Club, travelled to Finland last week to defend his previous title and is now gearing up to compete again in next week’s British Transplant Games taking place in Liverpool from Thursday to Sunday, July 28-31.

Mark said: “The medals were a bonus, but it was great seeing people from different countries all with something in common, some of whom I have known for years, and raise awareness Europe-wide about the benefits of transplant­ation.”

Mark was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when he was nine months old, causing mucus to develop in the lungs.

Already challenged with limited lung capacity, Mark fell ill with pneumonia while working as an English teacher in Korea in 2005.

Hospitalis­ed and in a serious condition, doctors caused damage to his trachea by leaving him ventilated too long, he said.

This also had serious consequenc­es for Mark’s lungs, which deteriorat­ed rapidly leaving him in a life or death situation needing a double lung transplant.

That same year Mark received his double lung transplant at The Freeman Hospital in Newcastle but suffered rejection in 2006 leaving him with just between 20 and 25% overall lung capacity. He said: “I don’t let this hold me back. “Sport has always been an important part of my lifestyle and I keep as active as my lungs will allow. Winning medals at the European Games just goes to show people that you don’t have to let your health problems get in the way of living life to the full.

“I’m a walking demonstrat­ion of just how important and amazing organ donation is.”

Mark will be promoting that message at the upcoming Westfield Health British Transplant Games when they arrive in Liverpool for the first time next Thursday, July 28.

He will join more than 900 participan­ts who have each received life saving and life changing organ and tissue transplant­s.

The upbeat celebratio­n of life will see transplant recipients, live donors including altruistic donors and their supporters take part in more than 30 sports together.

Donor families who made the agonising decision to allow their loved ones organs to be donated upon their passing will also be on hand as guests of honour to present medals to the winners.

Mark said: “I love the transplant competitio­ns as it brings people together.

“The main aim of the British Games is to raise awareness of how being on the donor register can make the world of difference.”

Mark is looking for sponsorshi­p as it cost more than £800 to compete in the games in Finland as well as using valuable annual leave. He travels to tournament­s several times a year so spends well over £1,500 a year in entrance fees and travel.

Former journalist Mark plays at Halton Table Tennis Club, a Table Tennis Ability Club for players with disabiliti­es. He is coached there by club chairman Karen Tonge MBE.

He proudly carried the Paralympic Torch through London on the opening day of London 2012.

The Freeman Heart And Lung Transplant Associatio­n helped the GB team with travel costs but competitor­s met the rest of their costs themselves.

Residents can do their bit for those who need transplant­s by signing up for organ donation in the event of their death at https:// www.organdonat­

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Mark Allen

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