Runner's World (UK)

LyfeFuel Essential Shake

PRICE £44.70 + £18 shipping for 24 shakes, TASTE 2/5 STOMACH-FRIENDLY 2.5/5 ENERGY HIT 2/5


BRAND, Lyfe packs 50 per

A WELL-KNOWN US cent of your daily vitamin and mineral needs in a single shake, along with 12g of plantbased protein. However, of all the shakes we tested, it left us longing most for a bowl of porridge. Very sweet, it has a consistenc­y and flavour that are more ‘hold your nose and get it down’ than an enjoyable pre-run meal. Its low-carb content – just 5g – is designed to boost metabolism but on the run it lacked the immediate energy supply of other shakes and it lingered longer in the stomach.

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