Rutherglen Reformer

Life through a lockdown lens


Profession­al photograph­er Chris Kelly has been capturing wildlife during lockdown.

He usually works in London but has returned home to Lanarkshir­e to be close to family during the pandemic.

And he has been spending some time with his camera at Strathclyd­e Park.

Chris said: “I think it will be interestin­g to see these coming weeks, with Strathclyd­e Loch car parks reopening, if the prevalence of wildlife diminishes. I really hope not, as it’s been one of my main pleasures during the COVID-19 lockdown, real food for my soul.

“It’s not the normal photograph­y I would be doing, but the past weeks I have developed a clearer understand­ing of why wildlife photograph­y can be so addictive, you are completely in the moment, all the stress of COVID-19 fades. Just you, a deer and a!”

We’ve been enjoying bringing you some of his images, and here are some more.

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