Scottish Daily Mail

Rapist facing life for attacks on fellow pupils

- By James Mulholland

A MAN who sexually assaulted eight fellow pupils while he was at a school for the blind is facing life behind bars.

Visually impaired David Penman was a student at the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh during the 1980s and 1990s when he raped and sexually abused his classmates.

A jury yesterday convicted him of 11 charges of rape, attempted rape and sexual assault on boys and girls.

The 42-year-old is facing a life sentence after a judge ordered reports to establish if the repeat sex offender meets the criteria for an Order for Lifelong Restrictio­n, meaning he would only be released once the parole board was satisfied he no longer posed a threat.

Deferring sentence at the High Court in Edinburgh, Lord Uist told Penman that it was clear he had a ‘propensity for sexual violence’. He added: ‘It is clear to me from the arrogant and dishonest way in which you gave evidence that you are a very evil man.’

Penman, who is registered blind, pleaded not guilty at the start of proceeding­s earlier this month. He was arrested after his first victim contacted the police in 2013.

She told jurors during the trial how she was raped by him on school premises on various occasions in the mid 1980s.

Penman, a prisoner of HMP Edinburgh, claimed that it was the first time he had been in court.

But under cross examinatio­n, he admitted that he had lied and had been convicted of a ‘number of offences’. In 2000 he was jailed for ten years on charges of rape and attempted rape.

Detective Inspector Kevin Harkins, of Edinburgh’s Divisional Rape Investigat­ion Unit, said: ‘This is an extremely unusual and disturbing case where a boy began committing the most serious sexual crimes against numerous classmates at the age of just 12.

‘Penman’s victims were among the most vulnerable young people and he left them too scared to speak up about what he was subjecting them to.

‘I commend the bravery of all of his victims who not only came forward, but had to then relive these awful experience­s in court when Penman failed to take responsibi­lity for his actions and denied all the charges.

‘I hope his conviction brings them some comfort.’

 ??  ?? ‘Evil’ abuser: David Penman
‘Evil’ abuser: David Penman

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