Scottish Daily Mail

Why crow’s feet are desirable


YOU might think that using Botox to iron out your crow’s feet would make people view you more favourably.

However, erasing your eye wrinkles actually makes you seem less sincere, a study has found.

Researcher­s said that when our eyes wrinkle when we smile, frown or grimace, our expression is perceived by others as more genuine.

The team, from Western University in Canada and the University of Miami, found that when people were simultaneo­usly shown two photos of individual­s pulling the same expression with and without eye wrinkles, they lingered more on the wrinkled photograph­s.

When the brain is shown many images, it directs our focus on the one more relevant – meaning the crow’s feet photos were thought to be more sincere.

The participan­ts were also asked to rate the expression­s on a scale for intensity and sincerity, with the eye-wrinkling pictures ranked higher, the study published in journal Emotion found.

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