Scottish Daily Mail

Are the young becoming more stupid? Sadly, the answer is Yes

- By A.N. Wilson

ARE we becoming more stupid? The answer, sadly, is ‘yes’ according to new research. In one of the most authoritat­ive studies of its kind, scientists have found the IQ of young people has begun to fall, after rising steadily since the war. The decline started with the generation that reached adulthood in the Nineties, and has continued ever since.

Those who have been watching the moronic TV dating show Love Island will need little convincing that the young are less clever than they were.

Last week, one of the contestant­s, 22-year-old Hayley Hughes, shamelessl­y revealed her ignorance.

‘What do you think about Brexit?’ she was asked by a fellow contestant. ‘What’s that?’ she replied. ‘When we’re leaving the European Union,’ came the answer.

‘I seriously don’t have a clue what that is,’ she said.

Maybe it is asking a lot of the dunderhead­s on the show to have mastered the intricacie­s of Brexit. But one would hope they might at least have grasped the basics — Hayley, after all, has three A-levels.


The legitimacy of IQ tests as a measure of intelligen­ce has been questioned since they were developed by the French psychologi­st Alfred Binet in the early 1900s to identify students who might struggle at school. Binet warned of the tests’ limitation­s where creativity or emotional intelligen­ce was concerned, although now, more than 100 years on, they have been refined and adapted, and are used by educationa­lists and scientists worldwide.

There is also, of course, the fact that you can define the word ‘clever’ in many ways.

It is easy for middle-aged people such as myself, who have been educated in one particular way, to disparage younger brains educated in another, and behave like old fools detecting ignorance and stupidity all around them.

What cannot be denied, however, is that it used to be assumed that every generation would become cleverer than its predecesso­r.

This was known as the Flynn effect, after the New Zealand researcher into intelligen­ce, James Flynn, who, in 1984, proved that in each recent generation, intelligen­ce had, in general, risen.

Now, new research demonstrat­es the trend has reversed. The question is, why?

One answer is down, it has to be said, to the lamentable failure of the state education system. Tragically, it is run by ideologues who abhor the notion of meritocrac­y and that there might be winners and losers. They’ve given up on discipline and intellectu­al rigour. Instead, they’ve adopted a child-centred philosophy, with a refusal to challenge pupils at its centre.

I remember when teachers were not there to read books on youngsters’ behalf; nor to tell them what to think. They were there to help pupils think, something entirely different.

A Loughborou­gh University research project showed a grade B in A-Level Maths from the 2010s was equivalent to an E in the Sixties.

In 2016, more than a quarter of grades were A or A*, while in universiti­es last year, 24 per cent were given Firsts, compared with 16 per cent five years earlier.

Syllabuses were also adapted to make things easier.

In history, for instance, a child is unlikely to learn more than a couple of ‘popular’ historical periods in their entire school career.

There is an obsessive emphasis on World War II and, occasional­ly, there will be a foray into the medieval times.

But ask a many history pupils about the The Wars Of The Roses or Oliver Cromwell and you will be met with a total blank.

Compare this with the average schoolchil­d of two generation­s ago, who probably could put any historical event into some sort of overall picture.

To his credit, Westminste­r Education Secretary Michael Gove set out to stop the rot, introducin­g tougher exams.

It was distressin­g to read this week that these tough new exams caused teenage candidates in England panic attacks.

But that is the price they have to pay if we are to stop our educationa­l standards slipping relentless­ly in global rankings — an OECD report in 2016, for instance, placed the UK 22nd out of 23 developed nations for numeracy.

Yet the fall in IQ cannot just be blamed on our state school system.

A more pernicious factor underminin­g intelligen­ce is our increasing reliance on computers.

We used to tell ourselves younger people may not know so much as older generation­s, but they had quicker wits and were brilliant with computers.

But herein lies the fundamenta­l cause of the decline in modern intelligen­ce.

Computers cannot think, but they can give us the illusion that they can do our thinking for us.

How does a 14-year-old tackle an essay about the rainforest­s or the Holocaust?

Before the internet, they would have gone to a library and taken out a book. Their brain would have become fully engaged in composing that essay — scouring, sifting, absorbing pages of background informatio­n and processing it for relevant material.

Today’s student bypasses all the background material that places the subject in context. They simply Google ‘rainforest’ or ‘Holocaust’, then ‘cut and paste’ it into their essay.


Admittedly, some things, such as multiplica­tion tables, cannot be downloaded, but increasing­ly teachers tolerate the use of calculator­s.

Little wonder that research shows a diminishme­nt of the capacity for basic mathematic­al reasoning — an ability which lies at the heart of much of our later intellectu­al developmen­t.

I witnessed this decline on that showcase of intelligen­ce, the BBC TV quiz University Challenge.

A few years ago I watched a final in which the truly brilliant leader of the winning team, Manchester University — an English Literature student — was flummoxed when asked about the odes of John Keats, who was until recently, possibly the best-known Romantic poet in the English language.

I cite this not to humiliate him — everyone has gaps in their knowledge — but to highlight the extent of the knowledge gap I am describing.

It’s often evident on University Challenge: young people with terrific scientific expertise suddenly showing ignorance of basic chemical elements; or those on history courses who are asked about past prime ministers or famous generals and who misplace the period they lived — not by a few decades, but by centuries.

What these howlers reveal is an inability to place bits of informatio­n into context — something that ought to be a vital function of intelligen­ce.


You hear a quotation from a poet. You do not know who wrote it, but you feel by intelligen­t instinct roughly when and where it was written.

That same intelligen­t instinct would apply to a scientific or historical fact. If you give an answer which is wildly out, you show your intelligen­ce is pitted with holes; that, in the tiresome phrase, you have not learned ‘joined-up thinking’.

In the Nineties and the Noughties, when computer technology for popular use advanced by leaps and bounds, it was felt the world was becoming not just betterinfo­rmed but cleverer. But, as we look back, we see something different happened.

The very clever — such as the University Challenge contestant­s — will always be very clever, even though we can now see these ‘black holes’ in their knowledge, caused by computers.

The average students, however, are being damaged for life by over-reliance on computer-acquired informatio­n, and by simple addiction to their electronic gadgets, which drive out the much more intellectu­ally stimulatin­g activity of reading books.

Until we put a brake on our lazy computer addiction, the decline of the intellect will be relentless. The levels of ignorance seen on Love Island will become more and more commonplac­e as we bring up young people who do not have the capacity to think to judge — or to know anything at all.

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