Scottish Daily Mail



Under the Gemini new Moon, Venus moving into Leo is yet further evidence of the shift in mood taking place in the skies. In Leo, Venus becomes more playful and creative — making us more receptive to new ideas and more willing to trust our hearts if we are brave enough to follow them. With the planet of love about to square off with Uranus, the experiment­al mad scientist, we might well need to be brave! But I strongly suspect that bold innovation will be well rewarded.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WE’VE ALL experience­d the discomfort of feeling lonely in a crowded room. We can be surrounded by companions and colleagues, yet unless we find ourselves in the company of someone who understand­s us, communicat­ion can feel shallow. Although you want to ‘up’ your number of friends and widen your social circle, it’s quality that you need. You have a feeling that a certain someone will be able to empathise with you if you share what’s in your heart. You’re right. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

IN YOUR most inner being, you recognise the truth when you hear it. It’s your mind that denies it. Intuition is such a powerful tool, so it’s a wonder we refuse to listen to it and convince ourselves that our longings are merely passing whims. As your ruler changes signs, it encourages you to look inwards and focus on your intuitive self. This will bring about a revitalise­d understand­ing. As you listen to your inner wisdom, you can initiate the change you sorely need. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHAT’S the motivating force behind your current mode of operating? Even though a situation may appear daunting, the New Moon in your sign is an indication that there’s no need to worry. What’s happening is bringing a gift rather than a problem. It’s true that you’re facing complex challenges. But they are happening for the right reason. If you can trust in the process, and make plans accordingl­y, your efforts will head in the right direction and be properly rewarded. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

EVERYTHING will come out right eventually. The question, though, is when will that be? How much time will it take for ‘eventually’ to happen? The keeper of that particular stopwatch is reading this forecast! You can call a halt to events as soon as you like and move on. The New Moon, a time of new beginnings, is boosted as it occurs just as

Mercury enters your sign and Venus exits. The moment that you decide to let something go, you can get on with the next stage of a brighter journey. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5604. LEO July 24 — Aug 23

IN THE past, our enemies must have been an honest bunch. Why else would anyone have asked: ‘Who goes there? Friend or foe?’ You’re currently uncertain about the intentions of someone close to you who’s in a position of power. Can you trust what they say? Or are you right to suspect there is a hidden agenda? Don’t just believe what you want to believe. But the New Moon, and the arrival of Venus in your sign, indicate that friends, rather than foes, are on your horizon. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

THEY say ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’. If you consider how your life was a few years ago, although many factors have altered, the themes running through your decisions and principles are similar. Does that mean that you’ll never manage to achieve your dreams? Will success ever come? The most important thing any of us can do is enjoy the process of trying. With the New Moon, the more opportunit­y you give yourself to be happy, the happier life will be. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

CAN you change your world? Yes, you can! Can you replace worry with positivity? Absolutely! ‘Yes, we can’ is the powerful mantra used in political campaigns and by people across the world. It empowers and shows a willingnes­s for change. The worries you’ve been weighed down by have been suffocatin­g your optimism recently. Yet you can find a way to approach this situation with inspiratio­n and hope. Yes you can! Your world is changing — and in a positive way. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

IF SOMEONE asked you if you really want to be doing what you’re doing, how would you reply? It’s not as if things are easy to change, is it? So why even think about doing something else when you’re caught up in a process that’s taking up all your time? Surely you’re better just figuring out how to like what you’re doing. Yet, as Venus changes signs, and under the light of the New Moon, you have real power and choices. You don’t have to accept how things are. Dare to be different today. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

YOU may be wishing that you had more time by yourself, and feel tired of having to adjust your plans to fit in with someone else. Or the very opposite may be true. You might be wishing you had someone sharing your life with whom you could co-operate. The New Moon in your opposite sign suggests the chance of a breakthrou­gh change in your relationsh­ips and how you interact with other people. As Venus changes signs, too, this will be genuinely positive. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

WE ARE creatures of habit and do lots of things because we always do them. We rarely question the underlying motivation behind what we do (just as well, because doing so would drive us crazy!). Yet it’s worth rememberin­g that we’re not forced to stick to our routines. Today, as the New Moon forms and Venus changes sign, it’s worth contemplat­ing a change to your daily habits. You made a decision for a reason. Things have moved on; you have the chance to rethink that choice. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

YOU know lots of people, each of whom needs advice from you. Being so willing to be helpful is one of the reasons you have lots of friends. It’s obvious. That’s what friends are for. Just so long as these relationsh­ips are reciprocal. Your time is valuable. So is your energy. As Venus moves opposite your sign, though your generosity is being highlighte­d, it’s worth checking to see that you’re not giving more of yourself than you can afford. You can be lovingly selective. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

THE arrival of the New Moon brings the opportunit­y to find something you’ve lost. Here comes a chance to look back and discover something new. Just by tweaking an idea you can evoke a significan­t change. You can move forward with insight, hopefulnes­s and integrity. First, though, take a moment to review and reflect. The pertinent immediate issues will look after themselves. Focus instead on gentler, longer-term plans now and you’ll see the right road to take. Under the light of the New Moon, with Venus changing signs, your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5612.

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