Sunday Sport

For fox sake, stop the bells

@thesunday sport


A TOWN has silenced the bells on its 19th century town hall – because the tune upsets a VEGAN!

The instrument­al version of the children’s song Fox, You’ve Stolen the Goose has been played by the bells at the town hall in Limburg, Germany, since the building was erected in 1899.

The song incudes the line: “Fox, you’ve stolen the goose. Give it back! Give it back! Or the hunter will get you with his gun.”

And that’s upset a local busybody who says the tune remin ds her of poor little foxes being shot.

An unnamed vegan woman who works within earshot of the mechanical bells complained to the mayor of Limburg.

Town spokesman Johannes Laubach said the mayor had temporaril­y removed the chimes.

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