Sunday Sport

Bus monitor in court over pupil tug on back seat


A RANDY school bus supervisor who tossed off an 18- year- old student on the back seat has avoided jail.

Tara Nutter, 29, was employed as a bus monitor to keep control of kids on the way to and from class.

But she started a relationsh­ip with one student that led to her pleasuring him on the way home.

While the relationsh­ip was not illegal, as the lad was of age and Nutter was not a teacher, wanking him off on a bus full of schoolchil­dren landed her in the dock.

She entered guilty pleas to two charges of wanton endangerme­nt.

Nutter, of Pleasurevi­lle, Kentucky, was handed five years’ probation, must complete a sex offender treatment programme, have no access to a firearm, commit no new offences or violation of law, remain alcohol and drug- free and pay court costs and fees.

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