The Church of England

Yet More on Richard III


It looks as though the campaign of a small village in Suffolk with a large and historic medieval church to secure the remains of Richard III has received episcopal support. On a visit to St Mary’s Church Wor tham, near Eye, where he blessed a new stained glass window, Bishop Nigel Stock declared his support for the Richard III being buried next to his sister, the Countess de la Pole, in Wingfield parish church. ‘I can understand why Leicester Cathedral would have the tomb (anything to enhance this city and its unique selling point) but let me put in a bid for Wingfield’, he announced. ‘Here Richard III would be laid to rest next to his sister’. No doubt both Leicester and York will fire shots in reply, not keen to have an intruder move in to their increasing­ly bitter re-run of the Wars of the Roses. Wingfield, meanwhile is investigat­ing, how they could suitably house Richard’s remains close to the magnificen­t tomb that contains the bones of his sister and her husband.

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