The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Bridge bugler’s lament ends up going viral


A worker’s private tribute to the fallen in war has reached an audience of hundreds of thousands – despite being staged deep inside the hidden workings of the Queensferr­y Crossing.

Former Territoria­l Army man Frank Proctor, 57, played the Last Post on a bugle in one of the bridge’s internal chambers, but could never have guessed just how popular his effort would become.

Frank, who learned to play the instrument as a child, said: “It all happened last year when I was working as a shot blast sprayer contractor on the bridge.

“I thought it would be good to play in there because the acoustics inside the bridge were amazing.

“But it was just an old bugle and it wasn’t very tuneworthy.”

However, his workmates were impressed and decided he deserved an upgrade.

Frank, who stays in Dunfermlin­e, continued: “When I played it for the lads they seemed to like it.

“The next thing I knew, they’d been on to eBay and bought a better one for me for Christmas.”

Frank’s rendition, with its sombre notes reverberat­ing through the bridge’s cavernous workings, was videoed and went viral after being posted on Facebook. The 57-year-old added: “It’s all gone from there. It’s unbelievab­le how many people have watched it.”

Frank learned the bugle as a 14-yearold in his hometown of Bolton.

“It was just a way of keeping myself amused,” he added.

“It is incredible how it has spread,” he said. “I even get invitation­s from people to play at remembranc­e events after they’ve seen it.”

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