The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)


Our resident astrologis­t CLAIRE PETULENGRO gives today’s prediction­s

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ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

The most important thing is not how many years are in your life, but how much life there is in your years. This year will see you trying things which will shock and surprise those around you but will ultimately please you. Call for a preview. 0904 020 2170

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

In life we get what we order and you have been ordering sloppy seconds. A boost of confidence Saturn encourages today sees those who did not notice you before giving you the time and attention you deserve. Call to maintain this mood. 0904 020 2171

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

You say you don’t care but deep down inside you and I know the opposite is true, don’t we, Gemini? Please stop playing games or you’re going to get your fingers burnt. A celebratio­n offers you the chance to build bridges. Ring for insight. 0904 020 2172

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

Don’t feel sorry for those who don’t want to help themselves. Let them learn how to get up and move forward again themselves. Call to hear what and who your priority should be. 0904 020 2173 LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Passion may turn to anger for many of your sign. Just know how far is too far to go and remember you’re setting guidelines you’ll have to live by should the situation ever be reversed. Call to hear how 2018 promises promotions. 0904 020 2174

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

Jupiter will probably make you think you can spend money you need to save! Don’t pay out until you’ve worked out what you have to pay in. Call to make 2018 a memorable year. 0904 020 2175

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

The Sun helps you work out right from wrong. You no longer tolerate fools easily. A work opportunit­y you thought had passed you by comes around again. Ring for details. 0904 020 2176

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

Financial affairs come under the spotlight and you realise you don’t have to stick your head in the sand any longer. Call to hear how cities beckon for career improvemen­ts. 0904 020 2177

SAGITTARIU­S (November 23rd-December 21st)

Your element of fire brings out your need for drama and you may find yourself accusing close ones of things they wouldn’t even think of. Know how far is too far to go or you may lose a friend. Ring me to better understand your limits. 0904 020 2178

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

Resist the urge to make phone calls that you know you will regret. You know you are better off without certain people in your life so don’t pretend otherwise. Ring now to hear what lessons can be learned from last week’s lies. 0904 020 2179

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

Don’t say things if you have no facts to base your words on or you’ll only end up looking and feeling the fool. Ring to hear why this is a great month to take tests. 0904 020 2180

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

Try not to tell tales on others. I can see from the current line-up that you will only know half, not all, of the story. Call to hear how cancelled plans this weekend are a blessing. 0904 020 2181

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